If you got a wii that's semi-bricked, (mine was Japan version), your drive won't read discs, and the semi brick was caused by a 4.3 update (you get #004 error) can't really install anything - don't panic - yet.
#004 error - prevents you using bannerbomb because your system menu is 4.3
your dvd drive won't read discs so you can't use any discs exploits
in order to fix your wii you need to have homebrew channel installed
the only way to install HBC is using the letterbomb exploit (trust me, no other methods will work)
it requires you to provide your MAC address but you can't go to system settings to read your mac address because you get the opera error
so, the trick is to:
- go to your data managment, saved games, copy the saved data file (any game) on to a SD card
- download FE100 (fe100 key grabber)
- open fe100keygrabber.exe
- load the saved data file and read the mac address
- go to please.hackmii.com
- select the system menu that you wii was updated(semi-bricked) to (not the original version wii was) (if you don't know, well prepare and download all four)
- enter your wii
- copy that to the sd card
- go to wii main menu and select messages
- go to the yesterdays daye (mine was set on 2007 and it's 2012, so select the calendar and quickly go to the current year/month)
- click on the bomb
- there you go, install bootmii and homebrew channel and continue doing what you were doing (un-semi-bricking/softmodding)
IF your wii freezees when clicking on the bomb - just go to the next file you downloaded from please.hackmii.com (eu, usa, jpn, kor), one of them will work, it happens because you chosen the wrong region
this was pretty much said before excluding the "how-to see your mac address if you have a semi bricked wii and can't go to console options" so i thought this could be useful to somebody
this is also a quick solution for #004 error fix if you're trying to softmod
#004 error - prevents you using bannerbomb because your system menu is 4.3
your dvd drive won't read discs so you can't use any discs exploits
in order to fix your wii you need to have homebrew channel installed
the only way to install HBC is using the letterbomb exploit (trust me, no other methods will work)
it requires you to provide your MAC address but you can't go to system settings to read your mac address because you get the opera error
so, the trick is to:
- go to your data managment, saved games, copy the saved data file (any game) on to a SD card
- download FE100 (fe100 key grabber)
- open fe100keygrabber.exe
- load the saved data file and read the mac address
- go to please.hackmii.com
- select the system menu that you wii was updated(semi-bricked) to (not the original version wii was) (if you don't know, well prepare and download all four)
- enter your wii
- copy that to the sd card
- go to wii main menu and select messages
- go to the yesterdays daye (mine was set on 2007 and it's 2012, so select the calendar and quickly go to the current year/month)
- click on the bomb
- there you go, install bootmii and homebrew channel and continue doing what you were doing (un-semi-bricking/softmodding)
IF your wii freezees when clicking on the bomb - just go to the next file you downloaded from please.hackmii.com (eu, usa, jpn, kor), one of them will work, it happens because you chosen the wrong region
this was pretty much said before excluding the "how-to see your mac address if you have a semi bricked wii and can't go to console options" so i thought this could be useful to somebody
this is also a quick solution for #004 error fix if you're trying to softmod
You just saved my day, sir!
ReplyDeleteI have a japanese wii that got semibricked because i update the system with an american game (most likely to 4.3).
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, i did everything as explained before but i don't receive any bomb.
Do i need to have the wi connected to internet to receive the bomb (i can't connect it since the menu options are locked)
I got the MAC Adress the way you explained, but i never got my wii online to play. Could be that the mac adress that fe100 key grabber is giving me is wrong?
Or, i choose 4.3 J, as my console is japanese. There's nothing wrong with that, right?
Please, help me. I haven't use my wii for like 2 years since it got screw and the only original japanese game that i own are Wii Sports.
Thank you!
to get it to work you need to set the region as the failed update (IE if you installed the update from an American game you need to set the letterbomb to 4.3u)
DeleteThe keygrabber also works fine, that's how i got my mac address.
no, you don't need to connect the wii to the internet for the bomb, you save the bomb and extract it to an SD card. you then put this in your wii and go to your messages.
You do however need to check the date, if your wiis date is off (mine was at 2006) you need to go to the calendar in your mail and flick it along to a day or two before the actual date you did the letterbomb on. it will appear as a message.
Wii sports is a fine game.
Thank you so much for that solution. Now just fixed a semi brick, yay!